
Swing Tool for managing a JDBC database.

             Usage: java DatabaseManagerSwing 
             where parameters include:
              --db_conn <classname>  name of the connectionpool
              --driver <classname>  jdbc driver class
              --url <name>          jdbc url
              --user <name>         username used for connection
              --password <password> password for this user
Note that the sys-table switch will not work for Oracle, because Oracle does not categorize their system tables correctly in the JDBC Metadata. New class based on Hypersonic SQL original

public class DatabaseAccessPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener {
// Public Constructors
public DatabaseAccessPanel(FWObservable aObservable);
public DatabaseAccessPanel(FWObservable aObservable, Element aFormElement);

// Public Instance Methods
public void init();

public void connect(Connection c);

This stuff is all quick, except for the refreshTree(). This unit can be kicked off in main Gui thread. The refreshTree will be backgrounded and this method will return.
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent k); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent k); // From java.awt.event.KeyListener

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev); // From

public void setWaiting(String description);

public void executeCurrentSQL();

Schedules to run in a Gui-safe thread
public void setStatementText(String aString);

public String getStatementText();

getting recent sql string
public void setStatementChanged();

setting Statement to Changed: overwrite this method if other things have to be done.

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void refreshTree();

Schedules to run in a Gui-safe thread
protected void directRefreshTree();

Clear all existing nodes from the tree model and rebuild from scratch. This method executes in current thread
protected int[] getRowCounts(Vector inTable, Vector inSchema)
throws Exception;

// Inner Classes
protected class DatabaseAccessPanel.StatementExecRunnable implements
public class DatabaseAccessPanel.TableNodeContent

Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - DatabaseAccessPanel (java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener)