public class WeatherStation {
// Public Constructors
public WeatherStation(String stationname, String type, String latitude,
String longitude, String altitude, String date, String sensorhight,
String exposition);
public WeatherStation(long id, String stationname, String type, float
latitude, float longitude, float altitude, String xmlhistory, Integer
sensorhight, Integer exposition);

// Constants
public static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT;
// Public Instance Variables
public Map iTempValues;
public int iTempSum;
public int iTempStationMonthlyGridValue;

// Public Instance Methods
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object

public boolean equals(Object obj); // Overrides java.lang.Object

public String getStationName();

returns the iStationName
public void setStationName(String stationName);

public String getTypesString();

public List getTypes();

public boolean hasType(String type);

public boolean addType(String type);

returns true, if a type was successfully added
public boolean removeType(String type);

returns true, if a type was successfully removed
public Integer getExposition();

returns the exposition
public void setExposition(Integer aExposition);

public Integer getSensorHight();

returns the sensor height
public void setSensorHight(Integer aSensorHight);

public void setTempValue(int aDayInMonth, int aValue);

public void setStationGridValue(RasterData aRasterData);

public int getStationMonthlyGridValue();

returns the mean Value of TempValue
public int getStationMonthlySum();

returns the mean Value of TempValue
public int getStationMonthlyMean();

returns the mean Value of TempValue
public int getStationDaylyValue(int aDay);

returns the mean Value of TempValue
public void resetTempData();

public boolean hasData(WeatherStation.TYPE aType, int aYear, int aMonth);

public long getID();

returns the iID
public void setID(long iid);

public List getPeriodes();

returns the iPeriodes
public void removePeriods(String aType, String aStartDate, String aEndDate);

public void addPeriode(String aType, String aStartDate, String aEndDate);

public void addPeriod(String aType, Date aStartDate, Date aEndDate);

public void updatePeriods(String aType, Map aStartAndEndDates);

public List getLocations();

returns the iLocations
public void addLocation(String aType, String aStartDate, String aLatitude,
String aLongitude, String aAltitude);

public void addLocation(String aType, Date aStartDate, Float aLatitude,
Float aLongitude, Float aAltitude);

public float getLatitude();

returns the iLatidude
public void setLatidude(float latidude);

public float getLongitude();

returns the iLongitude
public DirectPosition getGaussKruegerCoord(Integer aZone);

returns the iLongitude with the try to make calculation faster.
public int getRasterValue(RasterData aRasterData);

returns the iLongitude with the try to make calculation faster.
public void setLongitude(float longitude);

public float getAltitude();

returns the iAltitude
public void setAltitude(float altitude);

public String getAttributesString();

public Element getAttribute(String aType);

public boolean performConsistencyCheck(WeatherStation.TYPE aType);

returns true, if data is consistent

// Inner Classes
public static final class WeatherStation.TYPE extends java.lang.Enum
public class WeatherStation.Period

Passed to: RasterSection.addSelectedWeatherStations()