Selects the simulation with the best error/deviation for multiple
target variables. The general error is the weighted sum of the
User has to specify
- the calculation method cMode (Bias,MRE,MAE,RMAE,MSE,RMSE,index,rc etc.)
- the number of target variables cNumberOfVariables (up to 20)
- for each target variable a pair of SimVariables cObserved{i}/cSimulated{i}
- for each target variable the weight for the error cWeight{i}
- {i} ranges from 1 to cNumberOfVariables
The calibration outputs
- the selected SimulationID
- the BestError achieved
- all simulations error for each of the target variables ErrorValuesVariable{i}
- all simulations weighted sum of errors ErrorValues
public class WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector extends
net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationSelector {
// Public Constructors
public WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector(Element aSimulationSelectorElement,
FWSimSolution aSolution);
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables();
// Protected Instance Methods
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationSelector (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector