
Version: 1.0

This processor performs an (arithmetical) rule only on the raster cells, which are located in a specified bounding box. For this purpose, the given rule is automatically extended by an ITE clause, which checks whether a cell is located in the envelope.
Input parameters (besides the parameters of RasterCalculatorProcessor): The use of the other input parameters (especially rule is accordingly to RasterCalculatorProcessor.

public class SubRasterCalculatorProcessor extends RasterCalculatorProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public SubRasterCalculatorProcessor();

// Constants
public static final String COORDTYPE_KEY;
public static final String COORDTYPE_VALUE_GEO;
public static final String COORDTYPE_VALUE_RASTER;
public static final String X0_KEY;
public static final String Y0_KEY;
public static final String X1_KEY;
public static final String Y1_KEY;
public static final String WIDTH_KEY;
public static final String HEIGHT_KEY;
public static final String ENV_KEY;
public static final String POLYGONS_KEY;
// Protected Instance Variables
protected String iCoordType;
protected ArrayList iEnvelopes;
protected ArrayList iGeometries;

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Overrides RasterCalculatorProcessor

Checks whether the in-channel contains all required parameters.
public boolean process() throws PipeLineException;
// Overrides RasterCalculatorProcessor

Modifies the rule and calls super.process().

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void resetInternalVariables();
// Overrides RasterCalculatorProcessor

Resets all internal variables to null.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - RasterCalculatorProcessor - SubRasterCalculatorProcessor