This processor performs a org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.CropClipping-Operation
on a raster object:
Key source: key where to find the source org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D
or de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledGridCoverageInterface
in the ISDSS parameter map
Key envelope: org.geotools.geometry.Envelope2D, org.geotools.geometry.Envelope2DEnvelope2D[] or
org.geotools.geometry.Envelope2DList which
defines the clipping area (currently only the first
envelope of an array/list is used!! NOT the spanning
Key destParamKey: Output parameter key where the resulting
raster is stored in (if
the input object is a de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StyledGridCoverageInterface
or the style parameter is set then the
result will be also one)
Key createNew (optional):
Indicates whether the clipped raster will be created as
a (non-writable) reference to the original raster (false)
or a completely new raster (true). The latter
variant is less memory efficient and only recommended if
the clipped area should be modified. Nevertheless the default
is true, because this is the certain variant if it is
not sure how the clipped area is processed!
Key style (optional):
Name of the style, defined in the ISDSS configuration,
used to style the clipped raster.
public class RasterClippingProcessor extends net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor { // Public Constructors public RasterClippingProcessor(); // Constants public static final String SOURCE_KEY; public static final String ENVELOPE_KEY; public static final String DESTKEY_KEY; public static final String STYLE_KEY; public static final String CREATENEW_KEY; // Public Instance Methods