
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times. The number of loops is given by the central value (see parameterlist). Loops are separated by default (${separateLoops} (TRUE|FALSE)). For non separated loops all parameter values created in the pipeline process are written to parameter map. Within the looped pipeline you can finde the total run count ${runCount} and the run count ${Count} This looping processor takes the parameter in ${looplist} converted ot list or map to loop the pipeline. Additionally to Count and runCount you can find the actual looplistentry in parametername: "${looplist}.loop", for maps the actual looplistvalue in parametername: "${looplist}.loopvalue" as a special the looplist can be a String too. Format: comma-separated for lists: "first,next,last" or Format: comma-separated with = and leading and ending brace for maps: "{first=firstvalue,next=nextvalue,last=lastvalue} further parameter: ${startIndex} gives the first index of ${Count}-Parameter in looping pipeline.

public final class LoopListProcessor extends
net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWLoopProcessor {
// Public Constructors
public LoopListProcessor();

// Public Instance Methods
public boolean process() throws PipeLineException; // Defines

Must be overidden to implemnt concrete pipe procedure.
public void initLoop(Map aParameterMap); // Defines

// Protected Instance Methods
protected boolean checkInParameterMap(); // Defines

protected boolean checkOutParameterMap(); // Defines


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor - net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWLoopProcessor - LoopListProcessor