Functionality starting map view and show some layers. The data for the
layers are specified by the in-channel.
There is only one type of in-channel keys: map.[SortKey.]XXXXX,
where SortKey (optional) specifies the order the layer are inserted in the
MapPanel (lowest value on top) and XXXXX is the name of a
references-key to a geo object in the in-channel.
Supported typed of geo objects:
org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D (de.schmitzm.geotools.grid.GridUtil.createDefaultStyle()Default style is used)
org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection (de.schmitzm.geotools.feature.FeatureUtil.createDefaultStyle(FeatureCollection)Default style is used)
The value of the parameter should contain a reference-key to a short layer
description in ISDSS localization.
Use one of the map.-parameter for each layer to display.
If no SortKeys are specified, the layers are inserted in the MapPanel in an
undefined order.
public class MapFunctionality extends net.simplace.util.functionality.FWAbstractFunctionality implements { // Public Constructors public MapFunctionality(); // Public Instance Methods