
Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAnthesisDSDevelopment stage of anthesisDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcBLDLeaf angle (from horizontal)DOUBLE°--50.0
constantcC3C4Crop type (true for C3, false for C4 crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcCBFactor for initial N concentration of seed fillDOUBLE1--0.75
constantcCCFIXC cost of symbiotic N fixationDOUBLEg/g--6.0
constantcCDMHTStem dry weight per unit of plant heightDOUBLEg m-2 m-1--345.0
constantcCFVC fraction in the vegetative organsDOUBLEg/g--0.473
constantcCO2AAmbient CO2 concentrationDOUBLEmicromol mol-1--350.0
constantcCOEFRFactor for change in radiationDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcCOEFTIncrement of temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcCOEFVFactor for change in vapour pressureDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcCOSLDAmplitude of sine of solar heightDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcCXFactor for final N concentration of seed fillDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcDAYLAstronomic daylengthDOUBLEh--0.0
constantcDDLPPhotoperiodic daylengthDOUBLEh--0.0
constantcDETERCrop type (true determinate crops, false for indeterminate crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcDSINBEDaily total of effective solar heightDOUBLEs/d--0.0
constantcEAJMAXEnergy of activation for maximum rate of electron transport through photosystem II (JMAX)DOUBLEJ/mol--48041.88
constantcEGEfficiency of germinationDOUBLEg/g--0.35
constantcEPSPdevelopment stage for end of photoperiod-sensitive phaseDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcESDIdevelopment stage for end of seed-number determining period for indeterminate cropsDOUBLE1--1.35
constantcFCRSHInitial fraction of C in the shootDOUBLEg/g--0.5
constantcFFATFraction of fat in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.02
constantcFLIGFraction of lignin in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.06
constantcFMINFraction of minerals in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.03
constantcFNRSHInitial fraction of N in the shootDOUBLEg/g--0.63
constantcFOACFraction of organic acids in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.04
constantcHTMXMaximum plant heightDOUBLEm--0.7054
constantcLEGUMECrop type (true for leguminous crops, false for non-leguminous crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcLNCIInitial N concentration in living leaves (LNC) (or actual N concentration in living shoot (HNC))DOUBLEg/g--0.055
constantcLODGELodging (true for cases with lodging, false for cases without lodging)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcLWIDTHLeaf widthDOUBLEm--0.025
constantcMTDRMinimum thermal days for reproductive (seed fill) phaseDOUBLEd--23.0889
constantcMTDVMinimum thermal days for vegetative growth phaseDOUBLEd--34.7627
constantcMaturityDSDevelopment stage of maturityDOUBLE1--2.0
constantcMilkripenessDSDevelopment stage of milk ripenessDOUBLE1--1.3
constantcNPLPlant density per m2DOUBLE1--60.0
constantcNSWISwitch variable for N supply for crop: false=user defined (NINPA, NINPN); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcNUPTXmaximum crop N uptakeDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.65
constantcPMEHfraction of sigmoid curve inflexion in entire plant height growth periodDOUBLE1--0.8
constantcPMESfraction of sigmoid curve inflexion in entire seed growth periodDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcPNLSFraction of dead leaf N incorporated into soil litter NDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcPNPREProportion of seed N that comes from non-structural N in vegetative organs accumulated before end of seed-number detemrining periodDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcPSENPhotoperiod sensitivity of phenological developmentDOUBLEh-1--0.0
constantcRDMXMaximum rooting depthDOUBLEcm--100.0
constantcRNCMINMinimum N concentration in the rootsDOUBLEg/g--0.005
constantcRSSSoil resistance for water vapour transfer, equivalent to leaf stomatal resistanceDOUBLEsecond-time_per_metre--100.0
constantcSCSolar constantDOUBLEJ/(m2 s)--0.0
constantcSD1Thickness of upper evaporative soil layerDOUBLEcm--5.0
constantcSEEDNCStandard seed (storage organ) N concentrationDOUBLEg/g--0.04625
constantcSEEDWSingle seed weightDOUBLEg--0.2148
constantcSINLDSeasonal offset of sine of solar heightDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcSLA0Specific leaf area constantDOUBLEm2/g--0.0333
constantcSLNMINMinimum or base specific leaf N concentration (SLN) for photosynthesisDOUBLEg/m2--0.5
constantcSLPCrop type (true for short-day crops, false for long-day crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcSPSPdevelopment stage for start of photoperiod-sensitive phaseDOUBLE1--0.2
constantcSTEMNCNitrogen concentration in the stemDOUBLEg/g--0.015
constantcTBDBase temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcTCDCeiling temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--36.0
constantcTCPTime constantDOUBLEd--1.0
constantcTHETAconvexity for light response of electron transport (J2) in photosynthesisDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcTMDevelopment stage when transition from CB to CX is fastestDOUBLE1--1.5
constantcTODOptimum temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--27.6
constantcTSENcurvature for temperature responseDOUBLE1--0.409
constantcWRBcritical root weight densityDOUBLEg m-2 cm-1--0.25
constantcWSWISwitch variable for water supply for crop: false=user defined (WINPUT); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcXJNslope of linear relationship between maximum rate of electron transport through photosystem II (JMAX) and leaf NDOUBLEmicromole s-1 g-1--124.0
constantcXVNslope of linear relationship between maximum rate of Rubisco-limited carboxylation (VCMX) and leaf NDOUBLEmicromole s-1 g-1--62.0
constantcYGVGrowth efficiency for vegetative organs (i.e roots, stems, leaves)DOUBLEg/g--0.8
inputiDWSUPDaily water supply for evapotranspirationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiDoHarvestTrigger for harvestingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiDoSowTrigger for sowingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiNSUPAAmmonium-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNSUPNNitrate-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiRDDDaily global radiationDOUBLEJ/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiTMMNDaily minimum temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiTMMXDaily maximum temperature DOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiVPAir vapour pressureDOUBLEkPa--0.0
inputiWCULWater content of the upper soil layerDOUBLE
inputiWNWind speedDOUBLEm/s--0.0
statesCLVAmount of C in the living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCLVDAmount of C in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCLVDSAmount of C in dead leaves that have become litter in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRTDAmount of C in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRVRAmount of C in root reservesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRVSAmount of C in stem reservesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSOAmount of carbon in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSRTAmount of carbon in structural rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSSTAmount of carbon in structural stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCTDUCumulative thermal-day unitDOUBLEd--0.0
statesDCDSRShortfall of C demand for seed fill in previous time stepsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDCDTPC demand for structural stem growth at the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesDCDTRShortfall of C demand for structural stems in previous time stepsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDSDevelopment stageDOUBLE1--0.0
statesHTPlant heightDOUBLEm--0.0
statesLAICCarbon-determined LAIDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
statesLITNTTotal litter N entering the soil (LITN) during crop growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNDEMPCrop N demand (NDEM) of the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesNFIXRReserve pool of symbiotically fixed nitrogenDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNFIXTTotal symbiotically fixed nitrogen during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLVNitrogen in living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLVDNitrogen in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNREOEEstimated vegetative-organ N remobilizable for seed growth (NRES) accumulated till the end of seed-number determining periodDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNREOFEstimated vegetative-organ N remobilizable for seed growth (NRES) accumulated till the moment at which seed fill startsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNRTNitrogen in living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNRTDNitrogen in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSONitrogen in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSTNitrogen content in stems (including structural stem and reserves)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSUPPN supply to crop (NSUP) for the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesRDRooting depth to the soilDOUBLEcm--0.0
statesRMULTotal of respiratory costs of nitrate-N uptake (RMUN) + respiratory costs of ammonium-N uptake (RMUA) + respiratory costs of ash (minerals) uptake (RMUS) + respiration due to phloem loading of C assimilates to roots (RMLD)DOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesSLNBspecific leaf N constant (SLN) in bottom leaves of canopyDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTDAPARTotal PAR absorbed by the canopy during growthDOUBLEJ/m2--0.0
statesTNLVTotal leaf N (including N in senesced leaves)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTNUPTTotal crop N uptake during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTPCANCumulative canopy photosynthesis over growth periodDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTRESPTotal crop respiratory cost during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTSOILSoil temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
statesTTCANCumulative canopy transpirationDOUBLEmm--0.0
raterDeadLeavesRate of dead leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)-200.0200.00.0
raterDeadStemsRate of dead stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)-200.0200.00.0
AESOILActual soil evaporationDOUBLEmm/dnull
APCANActual gross canopy photosynthesisDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
APCANNActual standing canopy CO2 assimilation (APCANS) with small plant-N incrementDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
APCANSActual standing-canopy CO2 assimilationDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
ATCANActual canopy transpirationDOUBLEmm/dnull
AboveGroundBiomassAbove ground biomassDOUBLEg/m2null
AnthesisDOYDOY of AnthesisINT1null
AnthesisDateDate of AnthesisDATE1null
CCHKDifference between C added to the crop since initialization and net total of integrated C fluxes, relative to C in the crop accumulated since start of simulation (CCHKIN)DOUBLE%null
DAPARDaily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by crop canopyDOUBLEJ/(m2 d)null
DIFSDaytime average soil-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°Cnull
DIFSHDaytime average shaded leaf-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°Cnull
DIFSUDaytime average sunlit leaf-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°Cnull
EmergenceDOYDOY of EmergenceINT1null
EmergenceDateDate of EmergenceDATE1null
GrowingPeriodCounter that is incremented on harvest - can be used for crop rotationINT1null
HIHarvest indexDOUBLEg/gnull
IsAnthesistrue if Anthesis occursBOOLEAN1null
IsEmergencetrue if Emergence occursBOOLEAN1null
IsMaturitytrue if maturity occursBOOLEAN1null
IsMilkripenesstrue if milkripeness occursBOOLEAN1null
IsPhenologyEventtrue if sowing/emergence/anthesis/maturity occursBOOLEAN1null
IsSowingtrue if Sowing occursBOOLEAN1null
LAILeaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2null
LAINN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2null
LITCLitter carbon entering the soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
LITNLitter nitrogen entering the soilDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
MaturityDOYDOY of MaturityINT1null
MaturityDateDate of MaturityDATE1null
MilkripenessDOYDOY of MaturityINT1null
MilkripenessDateDate of milk ripenessDATE1null
NCHKDifference between N added to the crop since initialization and total of integrated N fluxes, relative to total crop N uptake during growth (TNUPT)DOUBLE%null
NDEMCrop N demand (NDEM) of the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
NUPTAAmmonium-N uptake by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
NUPTNNitrate-N uptake by the cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
PESOILPotential soil evaporationDOUBLEmm/snull
PPCANPotential canopy CO2 assimilationDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
PSOProtein content in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2null
PTCANPotential daily canopy transpirationDOUBLEmm/dnull
PotentialEvapoTranspirationPotential evapotranspirationDOUBLEmm/dnull
RRDRate of change in rooting depth of the soilDOUBLEcm/dnull
RWRTrate of change in dry weight of living rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)null
SLASpecific leaf areaDOUBLEm2/gnull
SLNN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2null
SLNTN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2null
SowingDOYDOY of SowingINT1null
SowingDateDate of SowingDATE1null
TAVSSDaily average temperature at the soil surfaceDOUBLE°Cnull
WLVDry weight of living leavesDOUBLEg/m2null
WLVDDry weight of dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2null
WRTDry weight of living rootsDOUBLEg/m2null
WRTDDry weight of dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2null
WSHDry weight of living shoot (above-ground) organsDOUBLEg/m2null
WSHHDry weight of shoot organs (excluding shedded leaves)DOUBLEg/m2null
WSODry weight of storage organsDOUBLEg/m2null
WSTDry weight of stemsDOUBLEg/m2null
WTOTDry weight of total living organsDOUBLEg/m2null

public class GecrosCrop extends net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public GecrosCrop();

// Public Instance Methods
public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines

Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent

// Protected Instance Methods
protected void init(); // Defines

Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap Initial values are calculated and states are set to these initial Values.
protected void initializeModel();

protected void process(); // Defines

Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent

creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - GecrosCrop