constant | cBeginDevStage | Development stage before anthesis which thermal sensitive period start | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.8 |
constant | cDaysBeforeAnthesis | Thermal sensitive days before anthesis | INT | 1 | - | - | 0 |
constant | cDaysFromAnthesis | Thermal sensitive days after anthesis | INT | 1 | - | - | 0 |
constant | cEndDevStage | Development stage before anthesis which thermal sensitive period end | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 1.3 |
constant | cTempCritical | Critical temperature threshold to start of heat stress | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 27.0 |
constant | cTempLimit | The temperature which maximum heat stress occurs | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 40.0 |
input | iAnthesisDate | Anthesis date | DATE | 1 | - | - | - |
input | iDevStage | Development stage | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iTMax | Daily maximum temperature | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iTMin | Daily minimum temperature | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iTempSum | Temperature sum | DOUBLE | °C d | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iYield | Simulated yield before heat stress adjustment | DOUBLE | g/m2 | - | - | 0.0 |
state | sAffectedDays | Days which heat stress occurs | INT | 1 | - | - | 0 |
state | sCumulatedHeatStressFactor | Cumulative heat stress factor | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.0 |
state | sDays | Number of days related to thermal sensitive period | INT | 1 | - | - | 0 |
state | sTDay | Day time temperature | DOUBLE | °C | - | - | 0.0 |
rate | rDailyHeatStressFactor | Daily heat stress factor | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.0 |
AdjustedYield | Adjusted yield by heat stress | DOUBLE | g/m2 | null |
BeginDOY | Begin of thermal sensitive period (day of year format) | INT | 1 | null |
BeginDevStage | Begin of thermal sensitive period (Development stage format) | DOUBLE | 1 | null |
BeginTempSum | Begin of thermal sensitive period (temperature sum format) | DOUBLE | °C d | null |
EndDOY | End of thermal sensitive period (day of year format) | INT | 1 | null |
EndDevStage | End of thermal sensitive period (Development stage format) | DOUBLE | 1 | null |
EndTempSum | End of thermal sensitive period (temperature sum format) | DOUBLE | °C d | null |
HeatStressFactor | Heat stress factor | DOUBLE | 1 | null |