Package net.simplace.sim.components.evapotran.fao56
package net.simplace.sim.components.evapotran.fao56
FAO 56 methods for computing evaporation and transpiration
The sim components calculate ET with different methods.
See documentation of sim components for details.
== References ==
[ (FAO 56): Allen, Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56, 1998]
- See Also:
ClassesClassDescriptionThis SimComponent calculates the potential rates of crop transpiration and soil evaporation following the methods described in the FAO-56 bulletin (Allen et al., 1998).Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Hargreaves method using solar radiation and temperature WIKI_START == Hargreaves 1975 == Uses the Hargreaves 1975 formula for ET0 calculation from temperature and solar radiation WIKI_END \( ET0 = 0.0135 (MeanTemperature + 17.8) SolarRadiationMM \) WIKI_START Where WIKI_END \( SolarRadiationMM = 0.408 \cdot \text{iSolarRadiation} \) WIKI_START is the solar radiation in mm/day, converted from MJ/(m^2 d).Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Penman-Monteith with the FAO56 approach.Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Penman-Monteith with the FAO56 approach.